Sunday, June 30, 2013


"To infinity and beyond!" Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story-

My next stop in the garden of muses is the muse Albert. It seems Jill Badonsky picked him because he thinks outside of the box. He is trying to teach us things like:
          -stretching boundaries
          -defying the obvious
          -breaking the rules
In life but even more in art, I have finally begun to do some of this kind of thinking.  Disparate eyes,
non local color. 

I recently got a huge jar of old springs and am attempting to put spring into all my art. I'm getting out of my safe place more often and seeing a whole new world.

No more scarcity thinking! Life is short.  I'm going to go out there and find more skirts to twirl in!
And I hope you will too.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Marianne Williamson says, "We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?....Actually, who are you NOT to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world."

We must believe in our selves, our imagination, our dream life, the life we have been waiting for.  Wait no more.  The time is now.  The time is always now.

Little Ros told me so!

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Jill Badonsky writes in The Nine Modern Day Muses that we should look for and list "jewels of delight," among which she suggests: "the first light in the morning,  flocks of birds, the first day up after being sick..."  She believes that finding tiny delights also helps us find bigger and bigger ones.

On my list so far I have: shadows, sunlight, my children's laughter.  You get the idea.

Since I am having trouble staying indoors today, I shall probably add: Flowers of all colors. and clouds.

I will also add my digital camera. 
What shall you put on your list?


Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Yesterday Aha-phrodite showed me how to look for sacred moments of joy.  I found them everywhere.  Young folks running through to fountain at San Souci Park.  I can't believe I didn't run with them!

Jurying in new artists at Louisiana Crafts Guild.  I was with some of the coolest artists in Lafayette, most of whom are dear friends.  We were surrounded by magical energy!

Outside at dusk still looking for the Strawberry moon.  The light and the bird sounds were incredible.

"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." Henry Miller, novelist


Monday, June 24, 2013


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition form mediocre minds."
Albert Einstein

Another great book has resurfaced that I haven't opened since sometime in 2008.  A book about playing with my creativity but also not listening to nay-sayers along the way.  I must admit that I have fewer and fewer of those now that I am listening to my internal guides.

I get great inspiration from working outdoors, pruning, picking and just walking and seeing beauty.  This morning as I was walking through the old door of my roofed gate that Benjamin helped me build many years ago and then seeing my Charleston girl statue (given to me by Kimberly instead of an I-pad as I recall!) I inhaled positive, healing energy.  And as an artist I need this  be-utiful energy.

I am grateful for Jill Badonsky's book, The Nine Modern Day Muses, for introducing me to a new way of opening to life's possibilities.  One muse at a time.  Today I am playing with Aha-phrodite!

Wanta' play?

Friday, June 21, 2013


"When we allow ourselves to wallow in the big questions, we fail to find the small answers."
Julia Cameron-INSPIRATIONS-Meditations from the Artist's Way.

Little Ros is dancing and playing in her studio this morning.  Doing things one fun step at a time. Turtle steps.  Baby steps.

I surrender to joy!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Little, bitty baby Ros is feeling better today.

Thanks for reading.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


May 2003 healing journal:

"I don't want to be plus-size any more!  I choose to eat in a healthy manner and to cook things I like that are good for me.  I turn this power over to you, my God.  I also ask my holy mothers, angels and guides to surround me with the safe light of travel and healthy thinking.  Amen."

Today, ten years later, I ask again.


Monday, June 17, 2013


This morning, Little Ros asked me to read and write some more and I think that might be a good thing to do.

Right before I was to leave for another summer working in Colorado I wrote, "I went from living my parents life to living my husbands lives and working everything around them."  This brings back a memory from when my children were young.  EVERY SUNDAY we went to Pop's house in Opelousas.  although I tried to learn the French language that they all spoke constantly, I was left out of most conversations.  I felt very alone and thought every time they laughed it was at me!!!

Today I wonder why I went.  Today I would not go.  Today it is hard to contemplate.

My journal continues, "When they betrayed me I had nothing left.  I HAD NO ME! But I searched and found that authentic self and I am living that SELF pretty well now."

"Now I an learning to nurture some parts of me that were lost while I nurtured other people."

Then a voice other than mine asked, "Little Ros, how are you today?" 

"Busy doing happy things with my dog Sparks."

"Do you know dear, Sparks means light, and you are full of light."

"I am?  I always saw myself as dull and drab.  I will start to think of myself as light.  Like sparklers.  I've always loved sparklers!"

Big Ros said, "I'll bring you some."


Big and little Ros say Namaste.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


I am still going through old journals (please  remember that I have years and years of them).   Since this is probably the only way you will get to read parts of them, because my Boo agreed to burn them when I am gone, lest something I have written to myself, might hurt you.

This journal has drawings and pictures in it and was a result of my dearest therapist, Carole, inviting me to talk to my inner children.  I created a bedroom just for six year old Ros, with white furry rugs on the floor and plenty of place to dance around in my twirley skirts.  I'm certain that is why I still love wearing my skirts! 

Big Ros and I baked cookies, planted flowers, "already blooming," and talked and played together.

One day big Ros said to me, "You are so beautiful and special and dear."

"Oh, thank you.  I was worried you still didn't like me!"

"Oh. darling girl, I am sorry you ever felt that way.  I guess I was just so busy with LIFE that I let it come between me and your/our needs.  I will love you and nurture you better and better now that I know how to find out what you need."

Smiling, little Ros said, "Oh good.  I love you and almost trust you now."

"I love and trust you my darling girl."

"Oh, goodie.  Bye"

I can't tell you, dear readers, how powerful these written words of many years ago have touched me again.  And I vow to talk to little Ros as often as I can.  We have lots of fun things yet to do together!!!

I invite you to find that little child inside of yourself and talk and play and laugh and cry, too.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Through winds and rain and many lengthy storms I have pursued my mosaic walk in the back yard.  And I am almost done!  I have considered re-doing parts of it but life is short and there are many other fun things I wish to do.  So here it almost is, bumps and dips and all!!

Outside I have been rewarded by many blooms and blue is my a favorite color flower.  Salvia-

Plumbago, my Momma's favorite-

And this next one shall remain nameless.  It's a vine that Kim bought me in Galveston last year and it is really showing off!!

I hope playing in your garden brings you as much joy as I am having in mine.
