Monday, August 12, 2013


Saturday night I felt like a gypsy in all her glory, surrounded by friends, family and fellow artists.  And of course my art.   Seeing it all together was a sweet surprise for me.

Today I opened an old journal and found:

"This dream is about appreciating my roots ad letting them embrace me.  Fear of the unknown is normal and human.  I must understand and accept the fear and still strive and accept--beauty and love and joy and playfulness.
              Thank You."

I find these words glorious-ly synchronistic for this particular body of work.  The series title is ROOTS.  It includes, from left to right:
--The Folly
--Jupiter Rising
--The Alpha and the Omega IV
--Life Muse III
--3 wall hung pieces, I forget their names, but having to do with Just Being.
--Blue Earth
--Muse II
--and on the far right, half hidden, Morning Music, which has the word play under a prism.

Thank you for visiting my virtual art opening at San Souci, The Louisiana Crafts Guild.

Friday, August 9, 2013


I have just completed my first FULL year as an artist.  True I have been making art for a long time but not all day, everyday, if I wished to.

Even when I was back in school all of the eighties, I was working and raising beautiful children.  I would envy my fellow artists for their ability to "be there" full time.  I honestly have no regrets.  I had magical times with my kiddoes singing together on the way to school, chaperoning band trips, softball games.  Just singing and dancing.

All these years, however, my studio served as a "stash."



Former stash:
Aha! Things are looking go-o-od!

Friday, August 2, 2013

OUTER CHILDREN-as opposed to inner

I absolutely love, love, love when I learn something from my children!

Our long weekend in Galveston began each morning with a sit on the deck.  Always does.  Silence. 
Birds. Newspaper reading.  Whatever.

Today I realized that I had not been outside all week.  Was my relatively new deck just to look at from indoors? Humph!

I took my book, my journal and my chocolate outside and sat.  I travelled my long and winding road to serenity, and enjoyed the morning.

Thank you again my beach babies!