Monday, March 26, 2012

I recently took a 3 day workshop with Liz Hill who lives in the Woodlands, north of Houston.  She came here to teach her remarkable techniques of drawing the figure with charcoal and then painting with watecolour.

It made me recall many drawing classes with Elmore Morgan Jr. My figures came out pretty good but my faces leave a lot to be desired. As it is my desire to create a series of female figures with mythological and spiritual meaning, I have been drawing and drawing and drawing.


You can visit Liz's art and ours from the class at her website,

Above is a piece of art I sold a couple of years ago. I recently went through the large pile of wooden foundry objects that I was given when I worked at River Oaks Square in Alexandria Louiaiana. I found a couple of large pieces with which to make more shrines in this fashion. FUN!

1 comment:

  1. oh mom - i love this one! The form, the colors - SO FUNKY!!! I want one si I need to make one!!! LOVE YOU!!!
