Tuesday, July 30, 2013


"Our very life depends on everything's
Recurring till we answer from within."

Robert Frost-Courage to Change, One Day at a Time in Al-Anon II

For me this mornings quote repeats what I've learned from time to time in my life and promptly forgotten.  I can work out what-ever is bothering me with my present partner...., or try again and again with another somebody. Humph!

My summer vacation began this past weekend!  A weekend at the beach with my lovely, loved ones.
Yet, I find, as mother, I am still not "allowed" to say certain things to my children/family.  Either they don't even hear me (See previous blog on being transparent) or it sometimes hurts too much to hear what I say.

I turned again to my morning pages and GOD=Good Orderly Direction, to get out any of my own hurts or frustrations. 

The pleasant result was I could love unconditionally, and enjoy a fun, fun time.

Some of us didn't even let rain, rain on our barbeque!


Monday, July 22, 2013


I suppose I have always been a scavenger, picking up lost rocks, shells and twigs. My quest for found (and foundry) wood truly began when I was an artist in residence at River Oaks Art Square in Alexandria Louisiana, in about 1995.  A local business man said he had a large pile of wood in a covered shed that He wanted to dispose of.  He asked if we artists would like some.

Would we?  We shared many trips to this massive mound of wood and each time we went, others had uncovered more areas, and so more and more enticing pieces became available.  Layers of old foundry molds from which iron was cast for farm implements, and other things, possible fifty to a hundred years ago.  I have just begun using those wonderful pieces of inspiration!

Pieces like these are finding their way into larger pieces of art.

I also love to scrounge through my wood-worker husband's scrap pile. He works mostly in  cypress that has languished under water in the nearby Atchafalaya Basin for many years.  Who wouldn't love "scraps" like these?

Some of these pieces are being incorporated into a body of work I am presenting in August at the Louisiana Crafts Guild in downtown Lafayette Louisiana.

I hope to show you some finished pieces soon.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


"Let the paint leap out of it's container, onto your brush...Paint yourself out of all your corners." SARK, Living Juicy-

I would say this is definitely OUR  Boo painting herself out of a corner! Wouldn't you?

So many folks are intimidated by painting and it is very frustrating to a teacher like me.  Reading this quote from SARK gave me an idea:

Take a blank piece of paper, or canvas and dip your brush, any brush, even you kitchen basting brush if that is all you can find, into your favorite color paint.  Markers or colored pencils will also work great.  (please don't use the brush in the kitchen again)

Now draw or paint a big arch, then within the arch paint a sun or a moon at the top and then steps rising up to meet it.  Paint or color the steps all different colors if you like!  PLAY.

Then back off and look at your artwork.  I'll bet your heart will rise up to meet it.


Sunday, July 7, 2013


Sark's full name as far as I know is Susan Arielle Rainbow Kennedy.  When I read her work I am a more prolific artist.  She believes in me so I have learned better to believe in my self.

A month or so ago I got an order for an angel "domino" necklace.  I guess I am not exactly secure in my talent after all.  Commissions are difficult for me anytime.  But the result is un-believe-able. Or not.

Dear client, if there is any here that will suit your need, please let me know.  If you need a close up, also tell me or call.
Today, I am creating in gratitude.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


For years I have read and written and shared about believing mirrors.  Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, convinced me years ago to surround myself with those people, artists and others, who believe in me.  Those folks who encourage me to be my best self and hopefully I encourage and support them in being all that they wish to be.

Having my page worn copy of Living Juicy, in hand this morning, the words believing miracles stood out for the very first time.  Sure I believe in believing.  And I believe in miracles.  But somehow seeing the two words together blew me away-in a very good way.

I stopped work early yesterday and couldn't even do hand work in front of the television like I usually do.  It had me worried.  Had I lost all my magic?  Was I totally drained of the new ideas in art that I have been working on?

I hit the bed early and read myself to sleep.

First thing this morning Sark's book literally jumped into my hands and I read, "I'm continually astounded by people thinking I've done so much, when I feel I've barely begun."

My believing miracle for today is knowing I have barely begun.  Thank you Great Creator!

Friday, July 5, 2013


"On any given day that the truth is not communicated between a couple, the couple builds up negative mass that will explode in their faces in time."  Marianne Williamson-Illuminata

Everywhere I look or read, everything I think these days make me know (again) that love is all there is.  Which Beatle wrote that?

In the past few years I have noticed that practicing reiki, is always more powerful, more deeply felt, by those I love.  So I have decided to truly love everyone!  No, I am definitely not a saint, I have my temptations, my deep hurts that can sometimes feel like hate. But the more I try, the more I pray, the more I ask for my Great Creator's help the better I am.

"When the healer sees that he or she is not separate from the patient-and only love holds this vision-healing is already accomplished." Hugh Prather-Healers on Healing

"For we all have our own individual way of expressing love, and when we discover what it is, then we will live the longest, be the healthiest, and enjoy life the most, as well as become able to receive the most love from others." Bernie Siegel-Healers on Healing

In the early eighties, back in art school, and only tiptoeing into healing possibilities myself, I read Seigels Love, medicine, and Miracles, and of course I believed every word.  A young fellow student and I sat next to each other in Fred Daspit's class.  She kinda felt like another daughter to me even though I didn't I even know her name. 

One day she shared that her young husband had cancer. You can probably guess what came next!  Co-dependent-fixer-taker-care-of-everybody-but-myself-me,  brought her the Siegel book.  I am sure I thought that book would fix everything for them.  Alas, it did not.

Looking back, I had the right idea, I just had it for the other person and not myself.  On that note I have only recently stopped sending my children articles, etcetera, that would FIX them. At least I hope I have, but sometimes I slip!

I hope these words express what I have been rambling around, trying to say.  We are all one.  Love is the "golden thread" that ties us together.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


"Just keep an angel on your shoulder, and never throw your dreams away, for they might save your life someday."  Tom Russell-folk singer.

Wings for today, a day to be free-
A recent angel we created that just might not fly away.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013


"Curiosity is a form of wonder.....Being in wonder is to be in love with life."
Jill Badonsky-The Nine Modern Day Muses-

I have gone through periods of my life when I have been deliriously happy.  I thought of myself as a happy woman. Mostly, I have been love with life. I now believe that I was totally in love with motherhood and you, my beautiful children, and I wasn't gonna let anything get in the way of that.  I was present. I was a presence at your schools and other activities.  I was a presence in your lives.  To be your mother was my greatest wish.

Recently I have been feeling invisible.  Nobody sees me, nobody hears me. In general, I believe people, especially male people, avoid looking at women "of a certain age."  I am curious about this. Some days I feel like cellophane.  People look right through me.  People talk when I am already talking.

I recognize that LIFE goes on and we all need to live in our own individual, glorious present.  Yet sometimes I get lonely. I miss those times of wonder when my children were young.  I cannot believe that I am suddenly experiencing empty nest syndrome at this age. I am a great-grandmother for Lucy's sakes!!! I feel empty.  I feel lost and alone.  I wish I wasn't an only child.  I am glad I gave you siblings.

  At this moment my honeys, I miss you like chocolate!
I WONDER if you ever feel this way.  Write me if you do.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I will be having a show of my artwork on August 10th of this year.  Nothing inspires me like having a space to fill with new work.

I went to the gallery last week and took pictures of my work that is hanging now at Louisiana Crafts Guild.  Trying to live in the moment, sometimes I forget what I have done last week or last year.

I am always amazed at work that I have "let go" of to hang in public spaces.  It makes my soul feel empty and full at the same time. I still find it a bit hard to take all these feelings I have inside, and put them into my art which is then out there, where others can see them. 
I am amazed as well with the amount of art I have made and continue to make.  It reminds me of an affirmation I read long ago, in The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, and have written in my studio to see every day, "Great Creator, I will take care of the quantity if you will take care of the quality." Thanks.  Amen.


It is so fun to have our very own resident IT person!!


Monday, July 1, 2013


I just reread a page in one of my healing books that talked about the little boy who could only say his A,B,C's so he said them to God because "God knows what I am trying to say." 

Today I will let my heart speak, because, My Higher Power knows what I am trying to say.
(Idea and words borrowed from Courage to Change-One Day at a time in Al-Anon II.)
