"Today, stop praying for anything other than the life you have!" S.B. Breathnach
Last March, when I was itching to get out on a weekly adventure, one of my regulars was out of town and the other wouldn't leave her abode.
Her daughter, who was living next door to me at the time, said, "Let's go to her." She had taken the Friday off just to be with her mother. She picked up sandwiches and we both went to lunch with her.
Later that afternoon our host-ess disappeared and re-appeared with a huge shopping bag full of books. "Take one," she said.
This is how I came to know about Romancing the Ordinary. Sarah Ban Breathnach
Years ago before teaching, before working for the Park Service, I was so moved by this author's words, that I had written for permission to use some of them in my art.
Very soon after I received a lovely hand written letter from her: permission to "use up to 250" of her words. I was over-joyed! And humbled. I needed this author, my idol, to affirm my art. And indeed I did use every one of those words. I felt her beside me as I hand lettered them onto my art, collage after collage.
I am still humbled and entranced by the way she puts words together. Since I have been given the gift of her writing again, I now begin my first full year of lusciously, finding and loving the ordinary in my life.
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