Monday, March 31, 2014


Recently I have been having nosebleeds.  I have researched it and I believe it might come down to, for me, anxiety.  Now what could I be anxious about, here in the middle of three wonderful art shows, a time I have been waiting for all my life? DUH.

Each Monday I reserve one-half hour to commune, pray and do reiki along with my master teacher, LeeAnn Wehr and many of our fellow light workers. I light candles and think and open myself up to celestial answers.  Today I was guided to my Caroline Myss' Healing Cards.

Choosing a card, I read, "To heal the body, first heal the mind."

Oh is that how it goes.

As per the cards instructions I wrote this question, "Where does my mind go to heal itself?" I  waited for my unconscious, my higher self, to answer, and wrote,  "I let go of any angst I am feeling, and fill myself with the healing light of my angels and guides.   I ask you to visit me often and straighten my crooked thinking.

Perhaps you might wish to try this too

Sunday, March 23, 2014


"Art is a journey to the center of one's being."
Terry Lynn Taylor & Mary Beth Crain

I have asked for and received some of my greatest wishes in life.  Creating art and also selling it!!
I have a sign above my work table with some of my favorite words, by Julia Cameron="Great Creator, I'll take care of the quantity, if You'll take care of the quality."

Until recently I have worked alone in my studio creating many, many works of art.  I am driven by thoughts in my head of images and words I wish to share.  Three years ago I quit working at my National Park Service job in order to create on a full time basis, (before it is "too late")!  That year I came home from Colorado and cleaned the slate.  I gathered and gave away many pieces of art. I felt their time had come to leave me.  I called and emailed my kiddoes and said if you want presents for your friends for giving as Christmas gifts, come and get them!  It was a wonderful sight to see my art pieces to go to loving homes.

I learned many years ago from my first spiritual mentors, Pat and Sid Fuselier, that for abundance to come to me, I had to make room for it.  I still have trouble believing how fast that emptiness was filled.  I have been creating new and different art ever since.  Art coming from a place of mystery and wonder!

I now have a solo show at The Acadiana Center for the Arts.  It is in the vault of what was originally a bank building, and from which the art center was repurposed.  The opening was a couple of weeks ago and I had a huge crowd, many of which really looked at my work and talked about it to me.  What a concept.  I love that.  The exhibit of 28 pieces will hang for two months and I will have another open house at Lafayette's next monthly Artwalk on March 12th.

I also have been accepted in the BIG EASEL, a yearly show in the town square at River Ranch.  Last night was a preview night at the Lounge gallery which is connected to the restaurant Tsunami, also in downtown Lafayette.  My work was accepted well there as well. 

I feel so filled with love and gratitude for all of my family and friends who have supported me in this "believable" adventure.

I hope you, too, clean your slate and fill it with your own most wished for adventure!
Since this blog is not allowing me to upload photos at this time, you can see my favorite work on the ACA website, under exhibits.)


Saturday, March 15, 2014


Not much makes me happier than coming home from the library with a new James Lee Burke novel.  A lot of people tell me he is too dark for them and I must admit when I first began reading them I felt the same way.  Then a few years back, my husband and I began a marathon reading from his first to his most recent.  I was caught up in his beautiful words that so describe South Louisiana, my adopted homeland.

The last book I read was by John Grisham and as I read I recalled just how jam packed with words his novels are. While reading him I am exhausted trying to keep up. The totally opposite of Ernest Hemingway's economy of words, which totally wrap around my heart and enrich me.

Now with Dave Robicheau in hand, I see that Burke's writing is a perfect fusion of the two.  For me.  I keep a dictionary at hand to look up words I have never before heard, yet when I read the definition,  I find they perfectly describe what he is depicting for me.

The first word that comes to mind is recidivist: a person who has "fallen back into prior criminal habits." Webster's Mew Collegiate Dictionary"/1959

Lots  of those in Dave's books.  But also much deep description of characters that I can recognize and identify with.

On a March Saturday that can become a lazy day if I choose to let it,  I am grateful for such luscious reading material.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014


"As we cling to our conscious optimism, finding footholds of faith despite opposition, our lives become rooted in the soil of grace."
BLESSINGS -Julia Cameron

For our frostiest winter in my memory, I am happy just looking outside at crystalline branches.  Fortunately I have a stock of good books nearby.

I am presently reading DUST one of Patricia Cornwell's latest.  Kay Scarpetta brings back to me the artful words of James Lee Burke that kept me entranced from the first book to his latest.

Cornwell wraps her poetic words around my body and comforts me like none in the "real" world can manage.  Thank God.  That kind of intense life would be exhausting. 

Yet here in the warm confines of my bedclothes, with frost edging the windows as if it were Christmas morning, I can relax into the writing of yet another genius who shares herself with the world.

I am grateful.
I am butterfly woman.

"If I let you, you'll knock the color off my wings.  I'll be a trophy you no longer want.  Be my friend.  Why isn't that enough?" Kay Scarpetta--
