Thursday, January 31, 2013


I realize that focusing on mind, body and spirit, is always the best thing for me.  As I heard Iyanla VanZant say recently, "Think below your neck."  She invites us to think with our hearts and our souls.  And when I can do this, I am better.  It's really just living in the present moment, which is sometimes the hardest thing to do.

I know when I am creating, I am in that present moment, and it is a miraculous place.  I got to see my Ros&CO students in that sacred space last Tuesday.  It is so wonderful to share the energy of creation with each other, and they were absolutely glowing with love.  Love of self, a big part of the hard part, but mostly love of life!  The finished product isn't bad either!!  I hope you agree!

For this I believe we are all grateful.


Friday, January 25, 2013




The following is a poem I wrote in a creativity exercise in the year 2000, after reading a poem by Mary Oliver and answering the question, "Why weren't you Rosslyn?"

I do not have to walk on my hands
          & swing from the trees saying
                   look at me, I am enough-

I do not have to whine, bitch, circumvent, belittle,
           betray, bemoan or be absent-

I can be me.

I do not procrastinate but I rest-
I do not worry but I contemplate-
I do not give advice but I listen-
        and I love.

       Rosslyn S. Bernard
       Greeley Colorado

I now ask you the question, why aren't you_________________?
Fill in your name.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Dogs are the best alarms..........At my age, you realize you will never have all the dogs you wanted in your life." from the 99 year old Gram in A DARK AND LONELY PLACE by Edna Buchanan

These words are so true for me.  I'll admit that dogs were more work than I could handle when I had young kiddoes to take care of first, but now I cherish every dog I can.  I even watch the dog shows on television with wishful thinking of how many I could/should have now.

But I'll stick with my precious and faithful Waltzing Matilda, our beautiful Border Collie/Aussie mix. She keeps my feet warm in the mornings and my happiness level high on our almost daily walks.

And then of course there is my neighbor Fuji who is a bundle of love no matter what name she may be called.
Oops, that's not Fuji!  I'll keep searching.

I finally found him!  Can you?

I suspect you cherish your own dogs past and present who are joyous bundles of unconditional love.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


In the silence of January, I continue to read what I have written to and for myself, over a decade ago.  I now have in 2013, what  described as my ideal day back in 2000:

Wake up and journal with a cup of sugar-free chocolate by my side.
Write, do art, walk.
Have healthy meals.  I do this because I feel good about myself.

Describe your ideal day.  Know that it is possible.


Sugar-free hot chocolate:

In pottery mug combine 1 spoonful of cocoa and 1 spoonful of water.  Microwave half a minute or so and stir to make a syrup.  Add milk and heat again.  Measurements can be adapted to your mug size until you figure out what is just right for you.  Add sweetener and stir well.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Journal entry on 9/7/2000
"Of all the things in the world I want to do, the very next things are to work within, on mind, body and spirit."
Rosslyn Steele Bernard

Spirit for me is a tiny light inside of me getting larger and brighter, as I allow it to. I must ask for it.  This light is filling me with joy and possibility and love.

Dear God, I trust you to help me to be creative each day in order to help those around me to create.  I ask to live free and joyous and whole, with love.


Thursday, January 17, 2013


Still going through my old journals, I found a time, in the fall of 2000, that I went to a "PS approved" shrink and my memories were that she did me no good!=hindsight!

In my writing I say that she handed me back my fears on palatable platters with ways and means, the utensils, if you will, to deal with my own life.  She called it a "bag of tricks."  It felt like a bag of bricks!

When I got home I prayed for the help to use those new-found skills to continue these pages and my healing.

When she reminded me that I am mind , body and spirit, I realized that I had been thinking that but not feeling and doing that.  Although, I remembered at the time, that I was in the process of doing a piece of art with that name, but still not believing it or living it.

Today I am much closer to living all three of those wonderful parts of me and I am thankful.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013


"I am powerless over fixing myself, but I am not helpless.  I can pray for the willingness to be willing to surrender and allow the natural progression of change to unfold in God's time. I can even enjoy myself in the process."
Today's entry in Voices of Recovery.

This morning I got back in bed with my hot chocolate.  It was so warm and snuggy.  I had the last few chapters of the novel I am reading to finish and that is one of my favorite things.  Along with beginning a new book.

I looked over at my pottery mug of hot chocolate and I could actually SEE the steam rising, just like I have seen it in illustrations but never in real life.  I was a delicious sight!

Some of you are probably thinking, "Get a life!"  Well that is what I am doing.  And this time it's MY life.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


"Good follows good, and the more we notice it, the more it shows up!"
SARK-Glad No Matter What
For the time being, thinking back to hard times is not an option for me.  I have new students coming to my studio very soon and I will rejoice in teaching again.

It is time for me to come out of hibernation, and give and receive.  Christmas helped me do that, see that.

And I am grateful.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


"It was only when I gave up being in charge that the reality of abstinence with peace of mind entered my life."
For Today-Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. January 2nd reading.

So today, I still have no browse feature with which to insert a picture.  It will however allow me to select from pics I have already used.  Bet you don't remember them!

The weather is dreary and damp.  My kitty Smudge is setting an example for me.  Just go with it!
Namaste loved ones.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


"But if you have a sacred space and use it, take advantage of it, something will happen."
Joseph Campbell-The Power of Myth

I enjoy so much sharing with you the books that I am reading.  In hopes that this blog doesn't become just a book review,  I offer: ( since my inserting a picture capability is compromised I will hope to do so later. For now I will write before I "lose" my words.)

Life's Companion, Journal writing as a Spiritual Quest, by Christina Baldwin.  I found and began this book in the early nineties, before learning about The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron's book that changed my life.  At that time I began doing daily journaling, weekly artist's dates and many other goodies.

I had forgotten about the Baldwin book, and as you can see (eventually!) by it's tattered cover and well worn pages, I gave this book a work out, or it gave me one!

Yesterday I was guided to teach another art class, here in my studio. It will be an amalgamation of
art-making, journaling and play.  And yes that includes dancing! I am very surprised at myself for coming to this decision. I thought I needed at least another year of being a hermit! I am going to send the invitations, soon, before I chicken out.

Today I will reexamine other wonders in my life.  Will you?

I believe wonder is truly life's miracle.

"Wonder is essential to the quest because it gives us the courage to be curious."
Cristina Baldwin


Wednesday, January 2, 2013


"Today, stop praying for anything other than the life you have!" S.B. Breathnach

Last March, when I was itching to get out on a weekly adventure, one of my regulars was out of town and the other wouldn't leave her abode.

Her daughter, who was living next door to me at the time, said, "Let's go to her."  She had taken the Friday off just to be with her mother.  She picked up sandwiches and we both went to lunch with her.

Later that afternoon our host-ess disappeared and re-appeared with a huge shopping bag full of books. "Take one," she said.

This is how I came to know about Romancing the Ordinary. Sarah Ban Breathnach

Years ago before teaching, before working for the Park Service, I was so moved by this author's words, that I had written for permission to use some of them in my art.

Very soon after I received a lovely hand written letter from her: permission to  "use up to 250" of her words.  I was over-joyed! And humbled.  I needed this author, my idol, to affirm my art.  And indeed I did use every one of those words.  I felt her beside me as I hand lettered them onto my art, collage after collage.

I am still humbled and entranced by the way she puts words together.  Since I have been given the gift of her writing again, I now begin my first full year of lusciously, finding and loving the ordinary in my life.
